Monday, October 20, 2008


Okay all, I am closing this blog. I am reopening a blog under my own URL, Swing by the new blog as it is running and let me know what you think. This will be my last entry on this blog and by the end of the year, it will no longer exist.


Thanks all!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Wedding ~ 10-18

What a day! I had the honor of shooting a GREAT friends wedding yesterday and it was such a blast! I have gone through about the half the wedding and I got some great stuff! I can't wait for David & Stacy to get back from their honeymoon so we can go through the photos.

Well, for now, I leave you with just one...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Wedding ~ 10-12

Here are a few shots from the wedding I shot on 10-12 with great friend and fellow photographer Robert Loparo. The wedding was in Mt. Dora, Florida on a lakes. It was absolutely beautiful. As always, please let me know what you think.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sunday Fun Shoot!!!

So I was invited to a Sunday fun photo shoot with some other photographers. It was great to get out and have the freedom to just shoot! The gown was supplied by Formal Oasis, be sure to check them out if you are looking for a dress! Here are a few of my favorites from Sunday's shoot.

Yes, that is a train coming!!!

Yes, that is a panther!!!

Please let me know what you think!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Two Weddings this Weekend!!!

Wow, what a busy weekend. Had a solo wedding yesterday that was absolutely beautiful! Then today I shot second for a friend and fellow photographer, Robert Loparo.

I am so happy that Lisette and Paul contacted me to shoot their wedding on Saturday. I received word that they needed a photographer on Monday of last week so I gave them a call and after a great meeting, they booked me. They had a wedding photographer already but due to some problems, they were forced to find another photographer and I am so happy they choose me. They are a super sweet couple that have so much love for each other.

For now, here is a little teaser. Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Three weddings...

I have shot three weddings since my last post and I might have two this weekend. One is a definite and the other I just found out about yesterday. its been really busy! I will post up some pictures later of the last three weddings.

But for now, I have to post a new picture of me and David Jay. I have never been to Europe and when I told DJ that, he told me that I would love it so we booked a flight to Paris. When we landed, we did the normal tourist thing and picked up a couple of berets. Of course DJ being a HUGE "Prince" fan, he bought a Raspberry Beret. Well, its nice to be home, that's for sure! Paris is great, but I hate flying!

...oh yeah and DJ made me watch some crazy cartoon about a skunk while we were in Paris?!

Sunday, September 14, 2008


I have been wanting to try out textures for a long time now. So, tonight I decided to see what I could do. Please let me know what you think of these two shots.

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