Monday, August 25, 2008

WOW...what a weekend!

Okay, so Saturday I had a wedding that started in Orlando and ended in Miami. The wedding was a little different because we did not shoot any getting ready shots or ceremony. After the ceremony is when we started shooting. This was Robert Loparo's wedding and I got to shoot second, something I really love!

Then on Sunday, we drove home from Miami and I had an engagement that afternoon. I will be posting some pictures of this amazing couple in the coming days. But for now, I will give you all a little teaser.

WOW, what a sunset!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Where have I been?

Well the last couple of weeks have been crazy. I like to take a few weeks out of the year to focus on future bookings. In the past two weeks, I have been talking with a bunch of brides and really started to focus on booking the 09 year, which is going well. I do have a wedding this weekend that is sure to be amazing, they always are. Then back to my normal shooting every weekend schedule for a couple of months then a short break in November, then heading on a cruise at the end of November, then back for another wedding in December to round out the year.

I recently met with Central Florida Bride about some advertising but haven't decided if that is the route I want to take for advertising next year or not.

Check back next week for some updated photos. After the wedding on Saturday in South Florida, I have an engagement session on Sunday and hopefully some free time to head to the Florida Professional Photographers tradeshow on Sunday.

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