Okay, so I have decided to write my first review. I have chosen to write a review on a lens that I am not too thrilled about; the Nikon 10.5mm DX Fisheye. I picked the lens up from Ritz Camera here but you can also get it here and here for a little cheaper.
My first thoughts, man its wide! I took a few shoots and could not believe that my feet were actually in the shot if I looked through the view finder...I actually had to hold the lens away from my face in order to not have my feet in the shot. The fisheye is nice but a little less dramatic than I thought it would be; unless of course you are within inches of the subject.
Mounted on my D300 it is light and though a little loud while zooming it is fairly quick. The 2.8 aperture is nice as it allows plenty of light in, even in dimly lit rooms. The 2.8 is a must for this lens because it is so wide, you really can't use flash.
My problems with the lens is that it is too wide, I prefer a 14mm fisheye if you must have one. Also, as I stated above, it didn't have as much of a dramatic effect as I was hoping for.
All and all it is a great lens for receptions, parties and events that you want to add something different. The biggest problem I have is that for a fisheye, you really need to be close to someone's face to get a really unique picture.
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