Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Three weddings...

I have shot three weddings since my last post and I might have two this weekend. One is a definite and the other I just found out about yesterday. ...man its been really busy! I will post up some pictures later of the last three weddings.

But for now, I have to post a new picture of me and David Jay. I have never been to Europe and when I told DJ that, he told me that I would love it so we booked a flight to Paris. When we landed, we did the normal tourist thing and picked up a couple of berets. Of course DJ being a HUGE "Prince" fan, he bought a Raspberry Beret. Well, its nice to be home, that's for sure! Paris is great, but I hate flying!

...oh yeah and DJ made me watch some crazy cartoon about a skunk while we were in Paris?!

1 comment:


these pics are too funny!! that pink beret is hilarious mike!

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